Made From: Botanicals
Produced By: Edgerton Distillers Ltd.
Origin: London, England
Proof: 94
Age: 0
Importer: Brought On The Internet

The Thames Distillers which is based in Clapton in the south of London is the manufacturer of the premium Edgerton Original Pink Dry Gin and uses a total of fifteen different imported botanicals and herbs in the production process.

Charles Maxwell is the master distiller who founded this craft distillery in 1996. The Edgerton Original Dry Gin pink’s strength of character is due to the damiana plant which is related to Passion flowers and acts like an aphrodisiac.

Search and you can find this shrub-like plant in the South to Central America. In the finish it shows up quickly and the aroma of exotic fruit again comes to fruition. It is worth noting however that this interesting Gin is more appropriate as the alcoholic foundation of modern long drinks like a Gin and tonic and flashy cocktails. The pure enjoyment is more something for absolute connoisseurs and lovers of Gin.

Edgerton even recommends their specially created cocktail, the pink Collins:

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