Made From: Peanut
Origin: Reunion Island, France
Proof: 34
Age: 0
Location: Teaneck, N.J.

The description of Morinque boxing below. The reason for the name is that this liqeuer has at musical and yet artistic taste with plenty of appeal and show. Most unique.

Mix of traditional fight and of warlike dance, near to the movements which one sees in French boxing, Moringue is a sport of combat which meets today a success growing in Meeting. Sport of combat, it is also an art which is danced. Remained a long time mysterious, this discipline of Malagasy origin is on the way to become a speciality identitaire of the island.

Spectacular combat in music! In spite of the fact that the moringue is not, for the moment, recognized by the elite and the political power, its practice does not fail to make happy followers and witnesses, increasingly more during the exhibitions. They take place in particular on December 20 of each year for the festival commemorative of the abolition of slavery.

To the rate/rhythm of rolling and kayamb, the bodies of the combatants follow the effreine tempo of the music. The naked combatants, chests and feet, can be turned over on the hands, carry kicks out of scissors, blows of heel and still use of good of other techniques.

Moringue requires a very solid physical preparation and a flexibility with any test. As in the Japanese sumo, the fall involves the elimination of the combatant and at once its replacement by another candidate. The last on the boxing ring is seen declared victorious.

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