Type: ,
Flavor: ,
Made From: Hawaiian Cane Sugar
Produced By: Rogue Spirits
Origin: Newport, Or. U.S.A.
Proof: 80
Age: Unaged
Importer: Made In The U.S.A.

Hazelnut Spice Rum is hand crafted using 100% Hawaiian Cane Sugar and fresh toasted hazelnuts, grown by Kirk Family Filberts – a family-run orchard located adjacent to theĀ  Rogue Farm in Oregon’s Wigrich Appellation. After distilling, it is ocean-aged in Rogue Dead Guy Whiskey barrels.

Rogue Spirits is actually an extension of one of the first microbreweries in the Pacific Northwest (Rogue Brewery) founded in 1988 by several University of Oregon fraternity brothers and a home brewer. After a great deal of success, they branched out into microdistilling. The distillery is run by John Couchot in a traditional copper still and joined Rogue in 2006. They’re locally famous for trotting out different spirits to their beer drinkers, thrusting tasting glasses under the nose, and demanding, “Try this!” In this way, their informal focus groups inform their spirits production.

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