Made From: Quinquina
Produced By: St Raphaël
Origin: Paris, France
Proof: 36
Age: 0
Importer: Brought On The Internet

It all started in 1830, when Dr Adémar Juppet began working on an aperitif made from Quinquina and wine. After spending many long nights perfecting the beverage, his eyesight began to fail. Remembering the biblical epitaph in which Archangel Raphaël famously heals Tobit of his blindness and hoping to recover his eyesight so he could finish his research, Dr Juppet prays to the archangel for help with his elixir. When his prayers are answered and the recipe is completed, he names his creation St Raphaël.

In 1938, Charles Loupot initiates a real turning point for St Raphaël, completely redefining the brand’s graphics. This includes creating new scripted lettering for the brand name and a new version of the two waiters using strict geometric shapes. At the end of the war, Loupot redesigns the waiters again, using even more minimalist shapes.

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